
Freedom to Speak Up Guardian


Freedom to Speak Up Guardian

All NHS trusts and foundation trusts have appointed FTSUGs, and the requirement to appoint a FTSUG extends to other providers of NHS services subject to the NHS standard contract, including independent providers of secondary care.

Here at CQC Total Solutions, we have a team of Guardians who are registered with the National Guardians Office, available to help support your organisations speaking up arrangements.

Freedom to Speak Up Guardians help:

  • Protect patient safety and the quality of care
  • Improve the experience of workers
  • Promote learning and improvement

They do this by ensuring that:

  • Workers are supported in speaking up
  • Barriers to speaking up are addressed
  • The organisation encourages a positive culture of speaking
  • Matters raised are used as opportunities for learning and improvement

The Freedom to Speak Up Guardian role is independent.