Comprehensive CQC Compliance Dashboard

Comprehensive CQC Compliance Dashboard

Our innovative IT system offers a powerful compliance dashboard that allows businesses to perform and keep track of audits, policies, HR documents, and patient feedback collection. With an easy-to-navigate interface, you can access in-depth analytics and statistics on your organization's performance, enabling informed decision-making. Additionally, our platform features automatic notifications to ensure you stay up-to-date and maintain compliance with CQC regulations.

Comprehensive CQC compliance board with overview
Safe, Well Led, Caring, Effective, and Responsive
Comprehensive list of policies for each specific industry
Track status of your compliance
Medicine management
Stock management
Infection prevention and control management (IPC)
HR Management Module
  • Securely add staff members and their recruitment documents
  • Training certificate
  • Staff policy monitoring
  • Safeguarding Monitoring
  • Document expiration date
Vacancy analytics (hired, dismissed and vacancy availability)
Create Organisation chart
Create different staff permission levels
Patient feedback tool (Offer patients to anonymously give feedback)
Functionality to add multiple branches
Special login access for CQC for data request (Read-only access)
Audits (customizable forms and set time frames) allows tailoring to your specific industry
Notifications via text and email

Track The Status Of Your Complaince

Keep track of all necessary compliance documentation and status updates in one place. This feature ensures you're always prepared for any audits or inspections.


Medicine / Stock Management

Seamlessly track stock levels, streamline dispensing processes, and ensure accurate recording of medication audits. Stay in control of medication expiration dates and receive timely notifications to proactively address any potential issues.

IPC Management

Effectively monitor and manage infection control protocols, ensuring a safe and hygienic environment for both patients and staff. Seamlessly track compliance with IPC guidelines, streamline reporting, and receive real-time alerts for potential risks. Trust in our IPC Management solution to elevate your infection control practices.


Comprehensive Audits

Stay on top of compliance requirements with our extensive library of audits covering all domains of CQC inspections. Our system provides a comprehensive set of audit templates, enabling thorough evaluations across various areas, including clinical governance, safeguarding, infection control, and more. Simplify the audit process, identify areas for improvement, and demonstrate a commitment to meeting CQC standards.

Adapt audit forms to suit your needs and preferences

Explore our extensive range of audit form templates, meticulously designed to streamline your auditing process and save you valuable time. Alternatively, leverage the flexibility of our customizable forms, empowering you to tailor them according to your industry practices and unique requirements.

Set time-frames for your audits

Establish the frequency at which audits should be conducted and provide your team with details about the most recent update as well as the deadline for the upcoming audit.


Tailored Policy Templates for Effortless CQC Compliance

At CQC Total Solutions, we empathize with the challenges healthcare providers face in navigating the intricate world of CQC compliance. To address this, our platform goes the extra mile, simplifying the process while catering to the unique needs of each clinic or healthcare facility.

A prominent feature of our platform is the provision of policy templates tailored to your specific requirements. Recognizing that every healthcare provider is different, our diverse range of meticulously designed templates covers various healthcare practices. As regulations evolve, we promptly update these templates to ensure alignment with the latest CQC standards.

While our pre-made templates save you valuable time, we understand that customization may be necessary. Our platform empowers you to modify and adapt policies, reflecting your organization's values and practices accurately.

Beyond policy creation, our commitment extends to ongoing compliance. Regular updates keep policies in line with industry standards, ensuring your clinic stays up-to-date and compliant. This way, you can confidently focus on delivering exceptional patient care while we handle the complexities of CQC compliance.

Join us at CQC Total Solutions, and let our platform be your dynamic partner on the journey to providing the best possible care to your patients.

Intelligent Alerts

Never miss a critical update or compliance deadline with our intelligent alert system. Our solution goes beyond high-level notifications by offering granular alerts tailored to specific requirements. Receive notifications for medication expirations, upcoming audits, staff training renewals, and more. Stay informed and take proactive actions to ensure continuous compliance and operational efficiency.


Seamless Integration via APIs

Experience the power of seamless integration with our API capabilities. Our system offers robust APIs that enable easy integration with other healthcare systems and third-party applications. Leverage the flexibility and interoperability of our APIs to enhance data sharing, streamline workflows, and optimize your overall healthcare ecosystem.

Not sure which features you need? Let us help.

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