Our Services

Assistance with CQC registration

Navigating the CQC registration process can be complex, but our team of former CQC inspectors is here to simplify it for you. With their in-depth understanding of the registration requirements and process, they provide comprehensive assistance, guiding you through each step. Their expertise ensures you meet all requirements, making the registration process smooth and stress-free. This allows you to focus on what matters most - providing quality care.


Mock CQC Inspection

Be prepared for your CQC inspection with our mock inspection service. Our team, with their background as CQC inspectors, will conduct a thorough assessment of your organization, simulating a real CQC inspection. This insider perspective allows you to identify potential areas of non-compliance and address them proactively. With our service, you'll be fully prepared for the actual inspection, reducing surprises and stress.

Support post inspection

After a CQC inspection, understanding and addressing the findings can be challenging. Our post-inspection support service, led by former CQC inspectors, is here to help. We provide guidance and assistance to help you respond effectively to inspection findings, implement action plans, and improve your compliance. Our team's unique insights and understanding of the CQC's expectations can help you make the necessary improvements more efficiently and effectively.


IPC Support

We have a number of levels of IPC support, from IPC Link Practitioners to people who have written national guidelines for the NHS. We can assess your IPC procedures, improve your audits and how you react to the results. We can also assist in improving your policy if required.

This is an area that the CQC are very strict on, as it is a significant factor in patient safety.


Safeguarding Supervision

Safeguarding supervision is important for ensuring the safety of at risk adults and children. Staff providing safeguarding supervision should have appropriate training and be identified as competent and confident. Some groups of staff should have regular, planned, protected time and space for safeguarding supervision. For one-to-one safeguarding supervision, there should be a written agreement that explains the purpose of the supervision and the roles of the supervisor and supervisee. A written record should be kept of each session.

Here at CQC Total Solutions we offer this support to your safeguarding lead and your deputy. This is usually done every 2 months, though the frequency can vary depending on the amount of safeguarding you do.

Safeguarding Level 4

Safeguarding is a key area. It ensures that we keep people safe from harm or abuse. Here at CQC Total Solutions, we offer various levels of support to your team. Our level 4 support will provide advice on how to improve the systems you have. They will also assist you in dealing with any difficult cases and be available for advice calls from your senior team and safeguarding lead.

Safeguarding Level 5

Safeguarding level 5 ensures that safeguarding is embedded throughout the organisation. It looks at how it links to your strategic objectives. Our service will increase the knowledge of your Board or senior team. It will exceed the levels required by the CQC, which is obviously evidence of good practice. We will assist in improving your policies and procedures.

Safeguarding Level 5 is closely linked to the CQC well led domain. A session from one of our team will be enlightening, as it is an interactive session.

We will also assist you in any complex cases you have to deal with.


HR Support

Here at CQC Total Solutions we know that not everyone has access to HR support. We have a team of staff who can assist with any HR issues that you have. We assist people with disciplinary issues, contracts, sickness management and competency issues. You will have access to our team for advice, support and assistance.

Counter Fraud Assistance

Here at CQC Total Solutions, we recognise the importance of reporting fraud against the NHS in England and Wales.

We know that raising a concern can be a difficult and daunting thing to do, but it is the right thing to do when staff members who suspect fraud, bribery or corruption may be taking place.

CQC Total Solutions can support staff in raising their concerns and guide them through their organisations internal processes along with reporting their concern to the NHS Counter Fraud Authority where necessary.

The NHS Counter Fraud Authority has a national responsibility for tackling:

  • Fraud
  • Bribery
  • Corruption
  • Criminal Damage
  • Theft

Caldicott Guardian

Caldicott Guardians are responsible for safeguarding the confidentiality of health and social care service users by ensuring it is used ethically, legally, and appropriately. They also support their welfare by helping to ensure that information about them is shared safely and appropriately among those caring for them, often across organisational boundaries.

Here at CQC Total Solutions, we have trained Caldicott Guardians able to assist your organisation.

Freedom to Speak Up Guardian

All NHS trusts and foundation trusts have appointed FTSUGs, and the requirement to appoint a FTSUG extends to other providers of NHS services subject to the NHS standard contract, including independent providers of secondary care.

Here at CQC Total Solutions, we have a team of Guardians who are registered with the National Guardians Office, available to help support your organisations speaking up arrangements.

Freedom to Speak Up Guardians help:

  • Protect patient safety and the quality of care
  • Improve the experience of workers
  • Promote learning and improvement

They do this by ensuring that:

  • Workers are supported in speaking up
  • Barriers to speaking up are addressed
  • The organisation encourages a positive culture of speaking
  • Matters raised are used as opportunities for learning and improvement

The Freedom to Speak Up Guardian role is independent.


Investigation Support for Serious Incidents

The investigation of serious incidents is something that is quite rare. Here at CQC Total Solutions we have a team of trained investigators who will be able to conduct these for you. We will write reports, recommendations and action plans, if required.

Having someone external complete these investigations also shows the commissioners and regulators that you are being open and honest.

We will also assist in complaints investigations.